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       报告人:马麒超 副研究员

       邀请人:张胜贵 教授

       时间:2021年11月13日(星期六) 上午10:30-11:30

       地点:腾讯会议ID905 860 369

       报告题目:Multi-Agent Interval Consensus with Flocking Dynamics

       内容简介:In this work, we investigate the interval consensus for a network of agents with flocking dynamics, i.e., second-order multi-agent systems, where each agent imposes an interval constraint on its preferred consensus values, with the aim of driving the agent into a favorable interval. Specifically, we consider two different frameworks of interval constraints, viz., the first one that the node states are constrained in their own constraint intervals and the second one that the node states are constrained in their neighbors’ constraint intervals. For both of the frameworks, we provide a complete solution to the equilibrium seeking problem by resolving a system of nonlinear equations. It is proved that if the underlying graph is strongly connected and the intersection of constraint intervals is empty, then there exists a unique equilibrium point; and if the intersection is non-empty, then there exist multiple equilibrium points, all of which lead to state consensus. We also establish several conditions for the local stability of the unique equilibrium point (corresponding to the case with empty intersection of constraint intervals) or local constraint consensus (corresponding to the case with non-empty intersection of constraint intervals) by invoking Lyapunov’s indirect method. As a first step towards the analysis of global behavior of such a flocking dynamics, we show in two special cases that global convergence to the unique equilibrium point or state consensus can be guaranteed by employing Lyapunov stability theory and robust analysis techniques. Some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical findings.






       马麒超,中国科学技术大学副研究员,主要研究兴趣为分布式协同与控制及分布式优化,已在相关领域发表和录用包括自动控制领域顶刊IEEE TAC长文在内的SCI期刊论文20余篇、英文专著一部(Springer Nature),其中IEEE汇刊论文16篇。获2016年CCDC张嗣瀛青年论文奖提名奖、2017年IEEE-CSS Beijing Chapter青年作者奖、2019年中国科学院院长优秀奖。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目1项,参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。目前担任中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员、中国仿真学会智能物联系统建模与仿真专业委员会委员。