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Fully assembling genomes from long error-prone reads alone

       报告题目:Fully assembling genomes from long error-prone reads alone

       报 告 人:李国君教授

       邀 请 人:张胜贵教授



       报告摘要:A universal algorithm, named Worm, which can exactly assemble complex genomes from long error-prone reads alone, was devised by mimicking a worm rather than traversing a graph. It fully assembled quite a few genomes of modeling species, including elegans, oryzas, drosophilas from NCBI within 8hrs, 9hrs, 8hrs respectively on our computational platform AMD EPYC7742 64 cores 2L. Roughly estimated, the current version of the Worm could exactly assemble human genome from long error-prone reads alone within two months on the same computational platform.

       报告人简介:李国君,山东大学二级岗特聘教授。1996年获中科院数学与系统科学研究所博士学位。2004年受聘美国佐治亚大学研究教授和中科院软件所研究员。研究领域涉及图论、组合最优化和生物信息学。在图论领域:证明了V. Chvátal等4个图论猜想,论文发表在JCTB和Combinatorica等。在组合最优化领域:解决了滑铁卢大学和贝尔实验室发起挑战的两个计算理论问题,论文发表于顶刊SIAM J. Comput和ACM Trans. Algorithms等。 在生物信息学领域:设计出仅用普通三代数据从头组装复杂基因组的全自动算法。主持国家自然科学基金委重点项目2项。