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On Theory and Numerical Analysis of Variational-hemivariational Inequalities
浏览量: 182

       报告题目On Theory and Numerical Analysis of Variational-hemivariational Inequalities

       报 告 人:韩渭敏教授

       时 间:20231227日 (星期) 上午10:30--12:00


       邀 请 人:荆菲菲

       报告摘要:This talk will provide an introduction to the basic mathematical theory and numerical analysis of variational-hemivariational inequalities (VHIs) which are generalizations of variational inequalities (VIs) and hemivariational inequalities (HVIs). A general VHI contains features of both a VI and a HVI. In recent years, modeling, mathematical analysis, and numerical solution of VHIs have attracted much attention in the research communities. Through the formulation of VHIs, application problems involving nonsmooth, monotone or non-monotone, multivalued constitutive laws, forces, and boundary conditions can be treated successfully.

This talk will provide an introduction to the basic mathematical theory and numerical analysis of families of VHIs, present recent and new research results, and illustrate applications in solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. It will be accessible to anyone with knowledge on weak formulations of boundary value problems of PDEs.

       报告人简介:韩渭敏,美国爱荷华大学 (The University of Iowa) 数学系教授、Collegiate Fellow,美国数学学会会士(Fellow of the American Mathematical Society)。本科毕业于复旦大学数学系,硕士毕业于中国科学院计算中心。在美国马里兰大学获得博士学位后,一直在爱荷华大学任教, 曾任研究生院应用数学与计算科学跨学科博士培养基地主任,数学系主任。在非线性、非光滑应用问题的建模、理论分析、数值解方面做过开创性和系统性的工作,包括弹塑性变形、接触力学、流体力学等领域里产生的各种形式的变分不等式与半变分不等式的研究。发表论文200多篇,其中包括在Acta Numerica上的一篇邀请文章,并已出版多部专著。