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Extremal Graph Theory, Series of Lectures


报告地点:腾讯会议,会议号:549 9135 1935

报告人:Ervin Győri


报告题目:Extremal Graph Theory, Series of Lectures

摘要:Extremal problems in combinatorics are to determine the maximum/minimum of various parameters of some discrete structures, typically the number of edges or hyperedges, minimum/maximum degree of the graph or hypergraphs, but sometimes the number of triangles or other subgraphs is estimated. Even more, one may have to estimate several other objects related to the given question: integers in number theoretical problems, special points, intervals, rectangles, etc. in geometrical problems, etc. In these lectures several subjects will be discussed from this point of view. Sometimes a typical starting problem is highlighted, but (especially in extremal graph theory which is a major subject) there might be so many questions that such a problem is not picked.

报告人简介:Ervin Győri博士毕业于匈牙利科学院,现为匈牙利科学院教授,Renyi数学所离散数学系主任,中欧大学兼职教授,曾获匈牙利科学院奖。主要从事极值图论方面的研究。在《J. Combin. Theory Ser. B》、《J. Combin. Theory Ser. A》、《European J. Combin.》等发表论文50余篇。